HR Prime

HR Prime are an HR Consultancy business

offering the full range of HR support, on a retained or ad-hoc basis to businesses throughout the UK.

As well as a range of retained and ad-hoc package to provide HR support, HR Prime also offer an extensive training package, including managers training, mandatory training, monthly lunch and learns, a mentoring programme for HR professionals and an e-learning package.

Other packages include end to end recruitment support, outplacement support, Health and Safety, DISC personality profiling, an online HR community, and HR project work.

HR Prime Contact Details

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Facebook - HR Prime

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HR Prime also provide bespoke packages for charities and businesses that employ on a seasonal basis.

Based in Essex, HR Prime offer national services, with all options available in-person or remotely.

The WFH Hub thoughts on HR Prime

“HR Prime have really covered everything to provide HR support to organisations. Their packages are structured in a way that allows them to provide small organisations with HR support or established HR teams with project support and training.

It’s been really interesting to hear about the community HR Prime have built for HR professionals through their online community and monthly lunch and learns, helping to create value for everyone who works in HR.”